Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My worry and then a wonderful dream!

Yesterday I picked up my records since I'm switching doctors and read something that upset me. I have a uterine fibroid, myoma, and the OB did not even tell me about it. I read up on it and it may be nothing to be concern with or it may impact the pregnancy in some ways - I am of good thoughts but I was a bit stressed. Then at night I had a dream... I had a dream about my child that he was already over 2 years old and someone as a joke told him that his parents weren't married so Tony and I were going crazy looking for something like a marriage certificate to show him we were.. I pulled him up on the bed (he was dressed in a striped shirt..) had light brown hair and light skin like mine - he was beautiful and I was looking at him and thinking wow its been over 2 years how the time flies he was just a baby and look at him now :) Also, in the same dream Phoenix was there (I guess he liked the baby and my worrries about it were for nothing:). The baby boy was kneeling next to the dog when I was looking in the closet looking for the proof of marriage and I asked the baby if he likes the name Sebastian and he just shook his head no and so I asked him (I think I said it first) how about Jonathan and he said yes, but I tried Sebastian again and he shook his head and repeated Jonathan... Now I have no idea where that name came from (I was concidering it at some point but the names Tony and I were contemplating on were Sebastian and Adrian...).. Was he chosing his own name or was he chosing the name of our next baby? oh, and I don't know yet the sex of the baby LOL but since the beginning I thought it was a boy - not sure if its because everyone wants a girl first or because Tony's family is known for boys (his brother has three sons and most of his cousins and aunts and uncles have more sons than daughters and as we know the father determines the sex of the baby).. Anyway here's a website I found: - I thought it was interesting, it talks about connection between parents and their unborn children.
Oh, to add my dad about 3 months ago went to s psychic (which I did not know at the time).. That day my parents were acting a bit strange and I was wondering if somehow they knew I was pregnant - my dad would rush to my aide when I wanted to pick something up, my mom would say "you know you're not suppose to change cat litter when you're pregnant, that's what someone said so when you are you have to let us do it"... hmm... at night Tony and I decided to let them in on the news! it was the day before Mother's day and I wanted to make it an early surprise - I got my mom a card and a bid that said "what happens at grandma's stays at grandma's" - she was shocked and both were happy... but my dad said he already knew! days later I found out that the same day he decided to go to a psychic and she told him his daughter was pregnant! She said that up to 3 months I have to be careful but that if I pass that mark the baby will be fine - now I know 3 months is the stress stage but in my case it was because my doctor felt I had to take supplemental hormones, but now all the tests are coming back normal and I'm a week shy of my 4th month and I can't wait to see my baby born in a few more months!! Due date is 1/6/10 (it changed a few times - 1/8/10, 1/12/10, 1/6/10)...
Now don't get me wrong I said everyone wants a girl but not because they wouldn't be happy with a boy but because in Tony's family we have many boys and his parents would like a grandaughter from us, my parents want a girl because in my family it seems that girls come first, Tony and I want a healthy baby and hey whatever the sex of the baby will be everyone will be SOOO happy and boy or girl will be welcomed with open arms. No one would be dissappointed if it was in fact a boy!!! We get to find out (unless the baby is shy:) on 8/17 though I'm going to the OB on 8/3 and if they do an ultrasound maybe just maybe they may tell me then :) Oh, this is sooo exciting!!! My little baby!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

preparing the dogs for the arrival

The baby is not coming for another 5 months but being proactive is better than leaving things at the last minute.
I own a german shepherd, Phoenix that is a little over a year old. He's wonderful around family.. you can literally do everything with him.. but when it comes to strangers he's over-reactive, shy and does not like attention. Once in a while he's ok with people approaching him like a woman with her family from the neighborhood - then again he met them when he was a pup and may be remembering them. Sometimes when my husband goes for a walk with him he says people pet him and he is just fine. Still, going to a vet proves to be a chalange. Some days on walks he can be a doll but sometimes he is "protective" and doesn't like people going our direction. When there's dogs, he's ready to lunge. The only cats he's okay with are my own, otherwise get out of the way and quick! He was raised from a pup, raised at a loving home and baby-sat by two a bit older dogs (belonging to my parents) and yet from the beginning I saw that he is not too fond of affection from strangers but hoped with time and socialization he'd get better... Neadless to say I'm getting a trainer to come to my house on 8/1 to assess the situation and help be less nervous handling him - don't get me wrong he'd never ever hurt me but I am a bit apprehensive when we're out at times and I do need to be calm; I am sure he's feeding off of my feelings!
The two dogs belonging to my parents are Max and Eli - Max is a mix GSD and black lab while Eli is a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard dog. Both are a little over 2 years old. They are great with people of all ages, Max is great with other pets but Eli not so much (except for Max and Phoenix that is).
So this is my strategy - obviously the trainer to help me realize how to train Phoenix and bring the best out in him. I am also about to get a CD for me and my parents called "Preparing Fido" which has sounds that babies make - that way the three dogs can get used to the noise and get desensitized. My next move will be getting a life-like doll (found a great french company called Corolle and contemplating on getting a Lia or Lila doll) - these dolls will coo, laugh and cry and I am hoping after a while the pups will get used to me carrying the "baby-doll", will be okay with the doll making the noise etc.. now I won't start using the doll until some time passes from when they start hearing the cd.. I will also read some tips and books that I already have of how to introduce the baby to the house so I can see the reactions etc.. maybe I'll even do it with the trainer on board (we'll see).. plan to also introduce smells like baby powder, wipes etc..
We'll see how it goes! But it must go good so I'm thinking good thoughts :)